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Industry and markets modelling, analysis and scenario planning


The StratLab helps managers search and explore optimal strategic paths and dynamic resource configurations

The StratLab is a highly sophisticated computer enabled decision support service, a management “flight-simulator” for exploring alternative strategic paths and resource configurations.

The StratLab service can prove to be invaluable in aiding optimal resource configuration choices by forecasting plausible performance outcomes.

The StratLab helps in anticipating possible futures by virtually creating “what-if” scenarios, which is a powerful way to foresee what is possible, learn by virtual-doing and take smarter decisions to stay ahead of your competitors.



Why you can benefit by using the Strateggo StratLab?

  • Limitations of the use of analogue products to design alternative strategic resource and policy configurations

  • Difficulties in capturing the complex resource dynamics driving markets, industries and social behaviour

  • Need for consistent evaluation and elaboration of alternative strategic options and policy decisions

  • Capability of modelling key indicators for dynamic resource management, performance measurement and control

  • Predictive modelling and simulation for businesses, public institutions, NGOs and learning organizations



How the Business Scenario Simulator can generate what-if scenarios for alternative strategic paths and optimal configurations?

We can configure the business simulator to your specific market and organizational conditions to facilitate the rehearsing of strategies in a familiar context to your managers. The main benefits of this service are:

  • Interactive Learning Environment to suppport managers strategic decision making

  • Interactive Environment for decision support and outcome optimization

  • Search alternative strategic policies and configurations

  • Articulate alternative strategic behaviors

  • Find the best strategic policy configuration

  • Evolve your organizational performance by dynamic market and policy navigation


Click on the banner to see a demo of the business scenario simulator. Try to generate alternative scenarios by manipulating the key variables. Test optimal strategic policy configurations.