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Performance modelling, management and improvement
Strategic modelling and optimization
Industry and markets modelling, analysis and scenario planning
Strategic Laboratory


Sustainable value creation and innovation

Sustainable value creation and innovation is the key path to the successful business performance.


We apply the best analytic and strategic techniques to identify where value is and direct company's capabilities towards its sustainable appropriation. Strateggo, with a team of international experts and consultants provide resource dynamics modelling and simulation of alternative business and policy decisions for the solution of complex dynamic systemic problems. The use of resource dynamics and other advanced modelling and simulation techniques is highly instrumental in revealing and manipulating the causal relationships within whole systems, and in experimenting with alternative strategic investment and operational decisions, what-if scenarios and courses of action and their impact on internal and external business processes and market dynamics.

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Environment for optimal public policy design

Support and strategic advice for optimal public policy development


We provide modelling services to support government institutions to improve policy decisions by generation what-if public poicy scenarios for elaboration of optimal regulatory changes.

We help public institutions to analise alternative stakeholder behaviors in response to variations in change scenarios, and find optimal policy configurations to support change for the benefit of all stakeholder groups.

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Sharing efforts for joint research projects


We have developed our Research Programme to explore opportunities for mutually beneficial high level management research by joint business, policy and educational projects.

Our priority research areas are connected to the central themes of managing dynamic resource systems, foreseeing their dynamic interrelations and optimizing system performance.

If you wish to explore opportunities for joint research projects, please contact us for more information on the conditions that apply ...