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Modelling Financial ResourcesOrganizational performance rely on key strategic and operational resources and their dynamic interrelations and configurations. Our clients have the possibility to tap into our dynamic resource modelling capabilities and search for optimal financial resource configurations for improving productivity and performance results. Modelling Alliance ResourcesBusiness alliances and partnerships accross the value chain form dynamic relations among shared resources and capabilities. Alliance modelling with an eye on the future of the industry and market dynamics can add more power to our clients' capabilities and can help them stay ahead of their competitors. Modelling System ResourcesFirms are dynamic systems of resources and understanding the complexity of their internal dynamic interrelations forms a growing necessity among business leaders and successful performance managers. Managing performance means managing, integrating, alligning and coordinating system resources in a dynamic and flexible way. Orchestration of system resources is a must and market leaders know that. |
Modelling Customer ResourcesCustomer resource modelling provides unique opportunity to understand, manage and anticipate the complexity of consumer behaviour and its effects on sales revenues, product market share and companies' profits. Traditional analytical methods can not capture non-static, non-linear relations which is why our clients value our dynamic resource modelling approach and its predictive orientation. Modelling Culture and Human ResourcesOrganisational culture is the core of human relations, shared values and beliefs within the business ecosystem. Modelling employees motivation and needs, evaluating and nurturing talant, anticipating conflicting or congruent behaviour is highly instrumental in creating a balanced yet flexible culture supporting innovation and productivity. Modelling Resource ConfigurationsResources form dynamic configurations, so forming optimal configurations of resources is a key dynamic capabilty aiming at achieving both efficiency and effectiveness of business performance. Strateggo helps its clients search, virtually experiment, evaluate and create optimal resource configurations among key competing alternatives for best performance results. |
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